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Welcome to Yoga Studio

The best place to learn yoga

Our Yoga Studio is located in the middle of the city that is safe, reachable yet connected to nature that is peaceful, where you can get mixed sounds of the city and nature. We have skilled instructors of Yoga, certified from the well-recognised school of yoga which comes under Ayush Mantrayala and Yoga Alliance Usa other than this a diploma in yoga. We have well equipped studio consisting yoga mats, blocks/bricks, yoga belts and mirror to understand the postures in better way.

Diet according to Ayurveda

“जैसा अन्न वैसा मन” which means “As is the food so is the mind”.

According to ayurveda sattvic food is the best to consume because it is easy to digest and is healthy, which brings energy, happiness, calmness and a good mental health also. It contains vegetarian, nutritious, fresh food. Sattvic food is considered to have the highest guna i.e speciality which gives balance to our body inside and outside and maintain harmony.

Yoga is Necessity

Yoga is so wide that every time and after so many years of experience in yoga we always learn something new and useful in terms of techniques, history, knowledge, flexibility. People think that yoga is easy until and unless they try it, many do it in wrong way which increases problems in our body that scares people to correct and do it in a better and right way.

Yoga gives us flexibility, maintain fitness, healthy body and mind, concentration on breathing in day-to-day life, enhance personality, good skin, detox our body inside and gives mental peace.


Good for Health/Body

Yoga is good for health because it maintains a fit body by doing it daily as it is considered as a lifestyle. Yoga helps one to have better digestion, good skin, can cure or reduce any disease if done in a right way. It contains yoga with breathing in a rhythm by which our body detox from inside.

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Good for Mind

Yoga is good for mind because it gives mental peace and as it is healthy so one becomes happier and relax to think in tough situations, deal with any situation as it consists meditation and pranayamas also which is important for good mental health, if done regularly one can cure depression and anxiety.

Good for Soul

If our mind and body is relaxed, stable, healthy and free from any problems then automatically our soul becomes happy, joyful and energetic.

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Our Instructors

Mann Tiwari


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Frequently Asked Questions

Yoga is not just an exercise or asanas(postures), it is a lifestyle which we live everyday, it is an emotional and spiritual path with a touch of mystic experience which is beyond all imaginations.

The benefits of yoga are :

  • Fitness mentally and physically 
  • Increases body awareness
  •  Improves flexibility, strength, balance
  • Improves sleep, cure or reduce any diseases or difficulty
  • Reduce stress, gives energy
  • Gives you the clarity to understand every situation as well as make decisions 

A person should always eat that food which is easy to digest, fresh, full of nutrition and if possible follow vegetarian diet, according to ayurveda one should eat sattvic food.

It varies according to different workshops and time durations of the client/student.

What Our Students Have to Say

"I attended the weight loss sessions and I had good results in a month, moreover my flexibility has increased.
"When I first joined these sessions I was not able to sit on the floor properly but as I practiced regularly the outcome was that without any support I was able to sit do asanas which is magical for me.
Mona Verma
"Hi ! There is an asana which is known as hastapadasana(forward bend) which I found difficult at beginning but after practicing and getting tips from my instructor I was able to bend forward and touch my hands on the ground."
Anamika Mishra
"I joined these classes for my anxiety and anger issues and I needed calm and peaceful mind to make few decisions in my life and after doing yoga regularly I was able to maintain my calmness because of which now my temperament is controlled and the thing I was dealing with, anxiety is no longer controlling me."

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