Irfan khanji “The Legend “

From a common man to an Artist to a star Sometime you don’t have words to communicate the inclination yet you realize that he isn’t there and he will be their in our recollections forever.Without any introduction the Gem ,the Legend ,the Actor,the Creator of his life the unrivaled one Irfan Khanji.I never meet him but the eyes are wet & want to see him for the last time.The battle he had is striking. He talks with eyes,emote with heart that is the reason we stand by just for his entrance and after that you realize that you won’t watch the film now you will feel it.Simple man with no attitude makes him the best person .Still not feeling like that he isn’t with us.The love from a typical individual to you Irfanji can be seen  every where.Many of us don’t want to accept this news but……

I pray to the God that you will find peace hereafter however the main whine is you left too early sir.A enormous salute to you.

Irfan sir you was one of us maybe that is the reason this misfortune feels so close.

Miss you sir……

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